نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
عنوان مقاله [English]
Ever since the inception of mankind, Allah (SWT) continued with His guidance for humanity through His Prophets and Messengers. The sole objective was to enable human beings to lead their individual as well as collective lives in accordance with the revealed teachings.
As opposed to this, the Devil has also enjoined upon himself to lead astray all human beings, in general, and the men of Allah (SWT) in particular.
The Holy Quran is a book which gives comprehensive guidance for all aspects of family life. The Quranic way is to effectively juxtapose good and evil and permissible and forbidden, thereby, highlighting the opposing aspects of family life. The Holy Quran, on one hand, lays emphasis on proper relationship between men and women through the institution of Nikah (marriage), while on the other, it classifies free-mixing and improper liaison as licentiousness and adultery.
In the same way, through the institution of Nikah, the Holy Quran lays emphasis on the protection of family rights and admonishes and condemns the denial of such rights.
Whereas Rizq-e-Halal and financial rights have been made obligatory, earnings from unfair means have been totally denied. In the same way, for protection of the solidarity of family life, a clear distinction has been made between Mehram & Ghair Mehram.
Establishment of a righteous social order is the main objective of the family life. This is possible only if due respect is accorded to relative positions in the social hierarchy.
کلیدواژهها [English]